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CCH Offers New HR Tool for Convenient, Customizable Training
(RIVERWOODS, ILL., May 5, 2008) – Human resources professionals now can turn to CCH for thorough, expertly created training courses that help easily educate employees and save time. CCH Training Tools in PowerPoint consists of professionally written training templates that are fully customizable and cover a wide range of essential topics. CCH is a leading provider of human resources information and services and part of Wolters Kluwer Law & Business (hr.cch.com).
Designed to optimize workplace training, CCH Training Tools in PowerPoint can be downloaded quickly and simply via the CCH® Internet Research NetWork™. Each PowerPoint® course is regularly updated and fully customizable to adapt to an organization’s specific needs. Special trainer’s notes accompany each course to guide users through the course material, as well as interactive quizzes and a final exam that can be administered to course participants to adequately gauge their knowledge of the material presented.
“HR professionals often face the daunting task of training management and staff on a number of complex issues,” said Kristen Kaplan, CCH product manager. “These training tools cover topics that every company needs to address with their employees in an easy-to-use, customizable format.”
CCH Training Tools in PowerPoint includes a set of 16 courses that address important topics, such as e-mail/internet usage; sexual harassment; discrimination; workplace violence prevention; interview training; hiring training; substance abuse prevention training; FMLA training; ADA training; and more. Courses include:
- ADA Compliance Training for Managers and Supervisors – helps organizations create and maintain an effective, productive and lawful working relationship with individuals with disabilities.
- Discipline Training for Managers and Supervisors – explains how to effectively discipline employees and accurately document the process.
- Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Training for Employees – helps organizations create and maintain a work environment that is free from harassment or any other form of discriminatory conduct or behavior.
- Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Training for Managers and Supervisors – addresses the role of managers and supervisors in creating and maintaining a work environment that is free from harassment or any other form of discriminatory conduct or behavior.
- E-mail and Internet Use Training for Employees – provides training to understand how to use e-mail and the Internet responsibly to ensure a positive and productive work experience.
- E-mail and Internet Use Training for Managers and Supervisors – provides training to understand how to use e-mail and the Internet responsibly to ensure a positive and productive work experience for managers and supervisors.
- Family and Medical Leave Training for Managers and Supervisors – clarifies the role of supervisory personnel in administering FMLA requirements fairly and appropriately.
- Hiring Training for Managers and Supervisors – explains the responsibilities in hiring decisions, roles in the hiring process and its importance from both a legal and a business perspective.
- Internal Investigations Training for Managers and Supervisors – explains how to effectively conduct investigations involving the workplace and accurately document the process.
- Interviewing Training for Managers and Supervisors – addresses the role of managers and supervisors in the interview process, and why it is so important, from both a legal and a business perspective.
- Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for Employees – helps organizations create and maintain a work environment that is free from sexual harassment.
- Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for Managers and Supervisors – teaches supervisory personnel about the important role they play in preventing and eliminating sexual harassment.
- Termination Training for Managers and Supervisors – provides information on how to legally terminate employees and accurately document the process.
- Workplace Substance Abuse Prevention Training for Managers and Supervisors – provides guidance on how to help the organization create and maintain a work environment that is free from substance abuse.
- Violence in the Workplace Prevention Training for Managers and Supervisors – focuses on the role of managers and supervisors in preventing and eliminating violence in the workplace.
- Violence in the Workplace Prevention Training for Employees – stresses that preventing violent outbreaks is everybody’s responsibility.
For More Information
For more information or to order CCH Training Tools in PowerPoint, visit hr.cch.com, click here or call 1-888-224-7377 (1-888-CCH-REPS). Pricing is $495 for the complete set of courses.
About Wolters Kluwer Law & Business
Wolters Kluwer Law & Business is a leading provider of research products and software solutions in key specialty areas for legal and business professionals, as well as casebooks and study aids for law students. Its major product lines include Aspen Publishers, CCH, Kluwer Law International and Loislaw. Its markets include health care organizations, law firms, law schools, corporate counsel and professionals requiring legal and compliance information. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, a unit of Wolters Kluwer, is based in New York City and Riverwoods, Ill.
Wolters Kluwer is a leading global information services and publishing company. The company provides products and services globally for professionals in the health, tax, accounting, corporate, financial services, legal, and regulatory sectors. Wolters Kluwer has annual revenues (2007) of €3.4 billion ($4.8 billion), maintains operations in over 33 countries across Europe, North America, and Asia Pacific and employs approximately 19,544 people worldwide. Wolters Kluwer is headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. For more information, visit www.wolterskluwer.com.
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