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Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance Guide Now Available on CCH Internet Research NetWork

(RIVERWOODS, ILL., September 20, 2006) – Now employment attorneys, EEO Officers and Senior HR practitioners have access to a comprehensive guide to EEO issues in an electronic environment that allows them to link to major cases, laws and the official EEOC Compliance Manual. The Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance Guide from Aspen Publishers and CCH, now available on the CCH Internet Research NetWork, is the first single source covering all regulations, plus key EEOC publications and decisions. Along with Loislaw and Kluwer Law International, Aspen Publishers and CCH are part of Wolters Kluwer Law & Business (

The Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance Guide is a comprehensive and easy-to-use resource that examines all the major administrative and judicial decisions, interpretive memoranda and other publications of the EEOC, providing compliance advice as well as reprinting the text of the most important of these publications.

The Guide also supplies vital information on the use of EEOC regulations by the states. It presents easy-to-understand explanations of EEOC regulations, together with annotations to the relevant judicial decisions, while giving fast access to the regulations through quick-reference charts.

Designed to meet the needs of both employment law attorneys and human resources professionals, the Guide presents thorough EEO coverage that mirrors the continuity between EEO claims avoidance strategy and EEO litigation strategy.

“During recent in-depth interviews with employment law attorneys, they told us they needed better EEO resources that offer practical guidance and explanations. Our new Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance Guide does just that. And, best of all, in the electronic environment, subscribers have instant access to the full text of laws, regulations and cases, plus the ability to link to other works, such as the EEOC Compliance Manual,” said Kristen Kaplan, CCH product manager.

Keeping Current

The Guide keeps professionals current with the hottest issues in the EEO field. Its timely coverage includes:

  • A discussion of the Supreme Court’s recent decision about disparate impact claims under the ADEA in Smith v. City of Jackson;
  • A review of psychological tests, such as the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and the finding that such tests may be considered to be medical examinations;
  • A discussion of recent cases on the issue of whether employees who are “regarded as” disabled must be reasonably accommodated;
  • A discussion of EEOC filing deadlines based on termination notification dates and actions other than termination;
  • An update on the EEOC’s response to the controversial decision by the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Erie County Retirees Association v. County of Erie, which called into question the long-standing employer practice of coordinating retirement and Medicare benefits;
  • A discussion of cases following the EEOC’s position that requests for date of birth, by themselves, do not violate the ADEA; and
  • A discussion of cases involving gender stereotyping.

“Add the ability to track topics with CCH’s exclusive Employment Law Tracker News on the CCH Internet Research NetWork, and subscribers can be confident they are current with emerging issues,” Kaplan noted.

About the Author

John F. Buckley, IV, is a senior attorney on the Public Law team of the National Legal Research Group, where he specializes in civil rights, employment discrimination, and local and state government law; in this capacity, he has advised attorneys throughout the country on legal issues related to equal employment. In addition to his work on this publication, Buckley has served as editor and contributing author for Aspen Publishers’ Multistate Payroll Guide, Multistate Guide to Benefits Law and State by State Guide to Human Resources Law.

For More Information

For more information or to order the Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance Guide on the CCH Internet Research NetWork, call your sales representative at 1-888-224-7377 or visit

About Wolters Kluwer Law & Business

Wolters Kluwer Law & Business is a leading provider of research products and software solutions in key specialty areas for legal and business professionals, as well as casebooks and study aids for law students. Its major product lines include Aspen Publishers, CCH, Kluwer Law International and Loislaw. Its markets include law firms, law schools, corporate counsel and professionals requiring legal and compliance information. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, a unit of Wolters Kluwer, is based in New York City and Riverwoods, Ill.

Wolters Kluwer is a leading multinational publisher and information services company. The company’s core markets are spread across the health, corporate services, finance, tax, accounting, law, regulatory and education sectors. Wolters Kluwer has annual revenues (2005) of €3.4 billion, employs approximately 18,400 people worldwide and maintains operations across Europe, North America and Asia Pacific. Wolters Kluwer is headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Its shares are quoted on the Euronext Amsterdam (WKL) and are included in the AEX and Euronext 100 indices. For more information, see

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