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CCH Continues to Enhance Tax Research Consultant
(RIVERWOODS, ILL., May 1, 2006) – CCH, a Wolters Kluwer business and leading provider of tax law information, software and services, has added further enhancements to the Tax Research Consultant (TRC), an online resource that combines the best traditional fine-grained research capabilities with a practice-oriented approach to tax research online (CCHGroup.com).
“We’ve added content, made it more accessible than ever and continued to add time-saving tools that speed researchers to their end results – not just theoretical answers, but answers they can immediately use with their clients,” said Jane Hoffman, CPA, CCH product manager.
New, More Accessible Content
For 2006, the Tax Research Consultant has added more than 60 new chapters on corporate reorganizations, net operating losses and consolidated returns. In addition, all the material in the Tax Research Consultant has been made more accessible.
“We’ve made it easier than ever to get where you want to go quickly,” Hoffman said.
Topics are introduced by a “Fundamental Concepts” chapter designed to provide a clear and thorough introduction to the topics covered. The “Fundamental Concepts” are written in question-and-answer format, and now users can jump directly from an introductory list of questions to the specific answer that interests them. In addition, a single click on an “information” icon next to each chapter brings up a thumbnail summary.
“There’s no need to scroll through a long chapter to see if it covers the material you want,” Hoffman noted.
“New Developments” are now highlighted with a light yellow background to set them apart from explanations and a “New Developments” button, located at the top of an explanation section, permits the user to jump directly to the discussion of the new development.
“Users can tell at a glance whether there are new developments affecting their issue, and jump right to them,” Hoffman said.
Additional New Tools Linked from Explanations
Throughout the Tax Research Consultant are interactive research aids that go beyond stating the rules to applying them.
Recently added are more than 25 new tools – including decision trees for determining business use of an automobile and separating personal property components from buildings; interactive examples of determining the required tax year for partnerships and analyzing permissible contributions to a Health Savings Account; interactive charts for retirement plans, where to file and disaster areas.
“Finding the law is just part of tax research,” said Hoffman. “These tools let practitioners take the next step and apply the rules to their clients’ fact situations, all within the Tax Research Consultant.”
Useful, Authoritative Tools and Publications
In addition to the explanations in the Tax Research Consultant, subscribers also receive a number of useful and authoritative tools and publications:
- Daily Tax News;
- Tax Legislation;
- Internal Revenue Code and Regulations, with complete CCH legislative history;
- IRS Actuarial Factors Finding Tool;
- IRS Publications;
- IRS Revenue Rulings and Revenue Procedures;
- Letter Rulings and IRS Positions;
- CCH Perform Plus II Forms;
- U.S. Master Tax Guide;
- U.S. Master Estate and Gift Tax Guide;
- U.S. Master GAAP Guide;
- Social Security Benefits Explained;
- Taxes —The Tax Magazine ;
- Federal Tax Weekly;
- CCH Client Letter Toolkit;
- CCH Depreciation Toolkit;
- Interactive Tax Calendar;
- Sales Tax Deduction Toolkit;
- CCH Election and Compliance Toolkit;
- Practice and Procedure Guides; and
- Business and Tax Preparation Calculators.
For More Information
For more information or to subscribe to the CCH Tax Research Consultant, call a CCH sales representative at 1-888-CCH-REPS (1-888-224-7377) or visit CCHGroup.com.
About CCH, a Wolters Kluwer business
CCH, a Wolters Kluwer business (CCHGroup.com) is a leading provider of tax, audit and accounting information, software and services. It has served tax, accounting and business professionals and their clients since 1913. Among its market-leading products are The ProSystem fx® Office, CCH® Tax Research Network™, Accounting Research Manager® and the U.S. Master Tax Guide®. CCH is based in Riverwoods, Ill.
Wolters Kluwer is a leading multinational publisher and information services company. The Company’s core markets are health, corporate services, financial services, tax, accounting, legal, regulation, and education. Wolters Kluwer has annual revenues (2005) of €3.4 billion, employs approximately 18,400 people worldwide and maintains operations across Europe, North America and Asia Pacific. Wolters Kluwer is headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Its depositary receipts of shares are quoted on the Euronext Amsterdam (WKL) and are included in the AEX and Euronext 100 indices. For more information, see www.wolterskluwer.com.
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