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Leslie Bonacum
Neil Allen

New Reference From CCH Tackles Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act Compliance

(RIVERWOODS, ILL., October 3, 2002) – The ground rules for national politics have changed fundamentally with the passage of federal campaign financing reform legislation. To help explain recent sweeping changes to federal election financing, CCH INCORPORATED (CCH), a leading provider of business and regulatory law information, has published Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002: Law and Explanation, by Joseph E. Sandler and Neil P. Reiff ($54.95, 457 pages). To order, call 1-800-248-3248 or visit the CCH Online Store at

The handy desktop reference provides a section-by-section analysis of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (BCRA) – the most significant change to the Federal Election Campaign Act in 25 years.

Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002: Law and Explanation explains in practical terms the operation of the law to attorneys, accountants, compliance staff, officials and staffs of political campaigns, party committees, political organizations, PACs and non-profit organizations that are affected by the Act.

Campaign finance law experts Sandler and Reiff provide an overview of the entire Act and detailed analysis of its many provisions with tips on practical application of the new rules. There are chapters on each of the Act's sections, including:

    • Political Party Soft MoneyRestrictions on Federal Officeholders and Candidates
    • Contribution Limits
    • Increased Contribution Limits for Challengers of Self-Funded Candidates
    • Disclosure
    • Coordination of Communications with Candidates and Parties
    • Corporate and Union Prohibition for Electioneering Communications
    • Personal Use of Candidate’s Campaign Funds
    • Fundraising on Federal Property
    • Contributions from Foreign Nationals
    • Requirement of Candidate Appearance in Certain Advertising Referring to Opponent to Receive Lowest Unit Charge
    • Inaugural Committees
    • Fraudulent Solicitation of Funds
    • Disclaimer Notices on Communications
    • Contributions from Minors
    • Judicial Review
    • Effective Date
    • Enforcement

Special Features Provide Fast Access to Information

Throughout the analysis, the authors pinpoint the specific counts in pending litigation that attack the section being discussed.

To aid the reader in identifying, locating and understanding BCRA law changes, Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002: Law and Explanation provides a chart of Law Sections Affected by BCRA. Other features that help readers quickly find need-to-know information are a "line-and-strike" version of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 showing changes enacted by the 2002 Act; a guide to the new requirements; full text of the final law; and the congressional Committee Report.

The Explanation and Justification, which contains the final rules implementing the BCRA soft money provisions, published in late July, are included in full text and summarized in the analysis portion of the book.

About the Authors

Joseph E. Sandler is a member of the firm of Sandler, Reiff & Young, P.C., in Washington, D.C., concentrating in campaign finance, election law, non-profit taxation and government ethics matters as well as corporate and tax issues affecting political and advocacy matters. Sandler has served as in-house general counsel for the Democratic National Committee and continues to serve in that position through his law firm. He currently serves as co-chair of the Election Law Committee of the American Bar Association Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice. He has authored and co-authored publications on election law, campaign finance, congressional ethics, political law and advocacy and has spoken on those issues to bar associations, colleges and universities and advocacy organizations.

Neil P. Reiff is a member of the firm of Sandler, Reiff & Young, P.C., in Washington, D.C., concentrating in campaign finance and election law matters. Reiff has served as Deputy General Counsel to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) from 1993 to 1998 and remains in that capacity in the law firms.

Availability and Pricing

For more information or to order the 457-page Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002: Law and Explanation, contact CCH at 1-800-248-3248 or visit the CCH Online Store at Single copy price is $54.95 plus applicable tax, shipping and handling. Quantity discounts are available.


CCH INCORPORATED, founded in 1913, has served four generations of business professionals and their clients. The company produces approximately 700 print and electronic products for securities, tax, legal, banking, securities, human resources, health care and small business markets. CCH is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wolters Kluwer North America. The CCH web site can be accessed at The CCH Business and Finance group web site can be accessed at

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EDITORS: An editorial review copy of Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002: Law and Explanation is available upon request for members of the press. Contact Leslie Bonacum, 847-267-7153 or


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