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Three Out Of Four Say Better
Communication Equals Greater Employee Retention
Survey Finds Recruitment and Retention the Top Issues Facing
Employers Today
(PETALUMA, CALIF., December 8, 2000) Recruiting good people and
retaining high performers scored highest by a wide margin in a recent survey of 4,000
human resource professionals conducted by KnowledgePoint. Asked to choose the two major
issues facing their organizations, 79 percent and 51 percent chose recruitment and
retention respectively, underscoring the bottom-line impact the lack of staffing is having
on organizations and forcing them to choose innovative ways of retaining their
Why do workers leave? Its not just about the money. Forty-one percent of HR
managers believed that not feeling valued is just as important a factor as compensation.
Thirty-two percent recognized that having a poor relationship with a manager is a key
factor as well.
So what can employers do besides throw stock options at the problem? Improve
communication within your organization, said 71 percent of respondents up from 37
percent a year prior. This doubling of companies focusing on communication reflects the
research showing that when salary and benefits are comparable, employees gravitate to
workplaces where they feel valued, have good working relationships with their managers and
understand how their work contributes to the organizations objectives.
To foster a culture of communication and employee development, savvy employers are
turning to year-round performance management systems, like KnowledgePoints new
Performance Impact, a comprehensive Web-based program that functions as a strategic
employee retention tool (learn more about Performance Impact at http://www.kpimpact.com.)
Additional results of interest:
- The number of companies using interns to maintain staffing doubled from 1999 to 2000,
from eight to 14 percent.
- One in three said a lack of interviewing skills on the part of hiring managers is
contributing to hiring difficulties within their organization.
KnowledgePoint conducted this survey of 4,054 human resource professionals in August,
2000; 869 responded, resulting in a 21 percent response rate. To view the entire survey,
please go to: http://www.knowledgepoint.com/coinfo/survey.html.
About KnowledgePoint
Since 1987, KnowledgePoint (a division of CCH INCORPORATED) has been a leading
developer of knowledge-based human resource management solutions, providing Windows-based,
intranet, Web and hosted employee management solutions for the enterprise, small
businesses, HR professionals and individual managers. Visit www.knowledgepoint.com to learn
more about KnowledgePoint.
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