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CCH Financial Institutions Advertising Law State Helps Banks Meet Challenge Of State Law Compliance
(RIVERWOODS, ILL., June 27, 2000) Financial institutions that market financial products in multiple states or over the Internet face a significant challenge keeping current with the myriad of state laws and requirements. Now, CCH INCORPORATED (CCH), a leading provider of financial services and business law information, has introduced Financial Institutions Advertising Law State, delivering authoritative coverage of the latest laws and regulations for every state in one easy-to-access service. ($525. To order, or for more information, contact your CCH Sales Representative at 1-888-224-7377, or visit http://onlinestore.cch.com.)
Financial Institutions Advertising Law State will help professionals in product development, marketing, operations, compliance and legal arenas as well as the advertising agencies that have financial institutions as clients observe all the legal requirements and prohibitions unique to the banking industry, across different states.
Emphasis on Practical Compliance Tactics
The two-volume loose-leaf service combines concise advice with comprehensive coverage of applicable state laws and regulations.
Financial Institutions Advertising Law State contains the full text of laws, regulations and agency inssuances, along with annotations and plain-English explanations and the relevant state code provisions covering financial advertising. A topical index and finding tables make it easy to locate material quickly, and monthly updates keep subscribers current on developments in the field. The emphasis throughout is on practical compliance tactics and procedures.
Comprehensive Coverage, Easy Access Across States
Within each state tab, you'll find a rapid finder index to the following topics:
- Automated teller machines
- Bait advertising
- Banks
- Branch operations
- Closed-end credit
- Community reinvestment
- Consumer leases
- Credit cards
- Credit unions
- Deposit insurance
- Deposits
- Electronic fund transfers
- Endorsements and testimonials
- Equal credit
- Fair housing
- False advertising
- Games and prizes
- Home equity loans
- Home mortgage disclosure
- Insurance
- Internet
- Loans
- Mail solicitations
- Non-insured investment products
- Open-end credit
- Penalties
- Privacy
- Savings institutions
- Securities
- Telemarketing
- Trademarks and trade names
- Trusts
- Unfair and deceptive practices
State legislation covering any of these topics can be found at the same place. And, in the wake of Gramm-Leach-Bliley, coverage also includes securities and insurance information, keeping you current in these developing areas as states take action.
Federal Coverage Completes the Picture
Financial Institutions Advertising Law State compliments CCHs comprehensive coverage at the federal level. Last year, CCH introduced Financial Institutions Advertising Law Federal, a one-volume, loose-leaf service updated monthly. Financial Institutions Advertising Law Federal is packed with over 1,700 pages containing the full text of laws, regulations, agency issuances, annotations and practical explanations.
Availability and Pricing
For more information or to subscribe to Financial Institutions Advertising Law State, or to Financial Institutions Advertising Law Federal, contact your CCH representative at 1-888-CCH-REPS or visit the CCH Online Store at http://onlinestore.cch.com. A one-year subscription to Financial Institutions Advertising Law State is $525, plus tax, shipping and handling. A one-year subscription to Financial Institutions Advertising Law Federal is $325, plus tax, shipping and handling.
CCH INCORPORATED, founded in 1913, has served four generations of business professionals and their clients. The company produces approximately 700 print and electronic products for tax, legal, banking, securities, human resources, health care and small business markets. CCH is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wolters Kluwer U.S. The CCH web site can be accessed at www.cch.com. The CCH Business and Finance Group web site can be accessed at http://business.cch.com.
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