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Wage And Hour Compliance Guide From CCH Sorts Out Complex Requirements
(Riverwoods, ILL., April 22, 2000)
Its never been more difficult to comply with the maze of federal and state wage and
hours law, but its also never been more important, according to CCH INCORPORATED
(CCH), a leading provider of human resources and payroll law information. The laws
themselves are complex and sometimes contradictory, while business considerations often
dictate the use of a contingent workforce and nontraditional patterns of work time.
To help employers master the basics of compliance and avoid time-consuming and
expensive agency audits, government sanctions and litigation, CCH now offers the Wage
and Hour Compliance Guide, a one-volume, loose-leaf reference filled with practical
advice and tools. ($279. To order or for more information, call 800-449-9525, contact your
local CCH representative at 888- 224-7377 or visit
The Guide shows employers how they can institute wage practices that minimize
unnecessary payroll expense, comply with the law and stand up under scrutiny. It gives
step-by-step guidance on how to compute wages accurately and correctly document wage
policies and payments.
After an introductory "20-Minute Primer" on wage and hour law, the Guide leads
users through topics of crucial interest to those on the front lines of employee
classification and payroll:
- Determining FLSA Coverage
- Exemptions
- Counting Time Worked
- Minimum Wages
- Overtime Pay Calculations
- Child Labor
- Homework
- Recordkeeping Procedures
- Enforcement Methods
- Court Procedures and Remedies
- Equal Pay for Equal WorkAn Overview
- Government Contracts
- Migrant and Seasonal Farm Workers
- Garnishment of Wages
- State Wage Laws
Designed for Practical Use
Wage and Hour Compliance Guide is designed for use by busy professionals, featuring
easy-to-understand explanations and case analyses.
The focus throughout is on preventative strategies and implementing those strategies
through training, proper recordkeeping and employee communications. Users will also find
proven tactics for handling DOL audits and typical wage and hour litigation.
Throughout the Guide, subscribers will find ready-to-use tools and compliance
aids such as sample policies, official forms and posters, checklists and practitioner
tips. A table of cases provides a springboard for speedy research.
Keeping Current
Along with updates to the contents of the Wage and Hour Compliance Guide,
subscribers receive a quarterly newsletter on case law and legal and regulatory
developments to help keep them informed as the law evolves and new strategies emerge.
Subscribers can count on receiving reliable and accurate advice from experts on a wide
range of compliance issues including analysis of important state and federal court
rulings, feature interviews with top wage-hour professionals, questions and answers,
problems and solutions and wage and benefit survey information.
About the Author
Philip Dickinson is an attorney and legal writer with more than 28 years experience
analyzing, reporting and explaining employment law and human resources management issues.
He has provided content and editorial leadership for several leading CCH publications,
including Labor Law Reports, Employment Practices Guide, Labor Arbitration Awards,
Accommodating Disabilities: A Business Management Guide and Human Resources
Management. He is also the author of Employment Discrimination: Quick Answers in
Everyday Language from CCH.
Availability and Pricing
For more information or to subscribe to the Wage and Hour Compliance Guide, call
800-449-9525, contact your local CCH representative at 888-CCH-REPS (888-224-7377) or
visit A one-year
subscription to the loose-leaf resource is $279 plus applicable tax, shipping and
CCH INCORPORATED, headquartered in Riverwoods, Ill., was founded in 1913 and has
served four generations of business professionals and their clients. The company produces
more than 700 electronic and print products for the tax, legal, securities, insurance,
human resources, health care and small business markets. CCH is a wholly owned subsidiary
of Wolters Kluwer U.S. The CCH web site can be accessed at The CCH Human Resources group web site can be accessed at
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