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Leslie Bonacum
Neil Allen

Successful Reward Strategies Bring Bottomline Results

New Book from CCH and Watson Wyatt Shows You How

(RIVERWOODS, ILL., March 27, 2000) – While recruiting and retaining the right employees continues to challenge companies of all types and sizes, ever increasing business competition demands that companies also succeed in motivating employees to high performance consistently over time. To help companies conquer these challenges, CCH INCORPORATED (CCH), a leading provider of human resource, benefits and compensation law information and services, has published Rewards and Business Strategy: People, Pay, and Performance ($64.95, 216 pages. To order call 1-800-248-3248, or visit

The new book, authored by Howard C. Weizmann and Jane K. Weizmann of Watson Wyatt Worldwide, is a practical tool that companies can use to design effective, flexible reward plans to help maximize employee innovation and productivity and corporate profitability.

"By aligning employee rewards to strategic business plans, companies can create a competitive edge in the delivery of quality products and services and the delivery of superior financial returns to shareholders," noted co-author Howard Weizmann.

Meaningful Guidance, Measurable Results

Rewards and Business Strategy: People, Pay, and Performance provides strategy and systems on how to align human resources, compensation and communication initiatives firmly with corporate goals to ensure business results.

In this authoritative book, the authors draw on Watson Wyatt’s frontline expertise as a leading consultant on people and financial management to businesses worldwide, as well as the findings of its nationally known Strategic Rewards® surveys.

In-depth and comprehensive, Rewards and Business Strategy: People, Pay, and Performance covers:

  • Recognizing "Human Capital"
  • Base Pay
  • Variable Pay
  • Benefits
  • Non-Cash Compensation
  • Flex Time
  • Defining and Communicating Goals, Plans and Objectives
  • Recruiting Excellence
  • Training and Skill Development
  • Performance Pay
  • Strategic Management
  • Cultural Values
  • Work Design
  • Employee Engagement
  • Open Book Management
  • Managerial Communication

Importantly, Rewards and Business Strategy: People, Pay, and Performance also provides information on how to measure the return on benefits and reward programs.

"Watson Wyatt has found that high-performing companies are more likely to align their reward plans with their business strategies than less successful companies are," said CCH Human Resources marketing manager Steve Slater.

"Now, with Rewards and Business Strategy: People, Pay, and Performance, CCH and Watson Wyatt offer companies the information and tools to help build and maintain their own business success."

Pricing and Availability

To order, or for more information on Rewards and Business Strategy: People, Pay, and Performance, call 1-800-248-3248, or visit the CCH Human Resources web site at The 216-page book is $64.95, $39.00 for college adoption, plus applicable shipping, handling and tax.

The book is also ideal for undergraduate or graduate level courses in strategic management, human resources management and compensation. Quantity discounts are available.

About the Authors

Howard C. Weizmann is the managing consultant of Watson Wyatt’s Washington, D.C. office.  He is principally responsible for the management of the 300-person consulting office, which provides human capital consulting services to a wide variety of Fortune 50 and other clients. He is a frequent speaker and commentator on current human resources issues.

Jane K. Weizmann is a senior consultant and the practice leader of Watson Wyatt’s Compensation Group in Washington, D.C. She has more than twenty years experience in the compensation field and consults with the firm’s clients on all aspects of compensation and performance management programs.


CCH INCORPORATED, headquartered in Riverwoods, Ill., was founded in 1913 and has served four generations of business professionals and their clients. The company produces more than 700 electronic and print products for the tax, legal, securities, human resources, health care and small business markets. CCH is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wolters Kluwer U.S. The CCH web site can be accessed at The Human Resources web site can be accessed at

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EDITORS NOTE: For members of the press, a complimentary review copy of Rewards and Business Strategy: People, Pay, and Performance is available by contacting: Leslie Bonacum, 847-267-7153 or


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