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Leslie Bonacum
Neil Allen

SEC Compliance Desktop From CCH
Eases Section 16 Concerns. Extensive Interactive Forms Further Simplify Filing

(RIVERWOODS, ILL., July 28, 1999) – Companies and law firms can significantly ease the burden of compliance with the Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) "insider trading" rules by using software that becomes "smarter" the more it is used, according to CCH INCORPORATED (CCH), a leading provider of business law information. To help companies and their professional advisors comply with complicated SEC Section 16 reporting requirements, as well as prepare more than 100 additional SEC forms, CCH now offers the new SEC Compliance Desktop, an automated approach to Section 16 compliance that also includes a general-purpose interactive forms module.

Sharon Kube, marketing director for CCH’s business and finance group, notes that while filing reports on insider trading is commonplace, it’s still a burdensome task for corporations and those they hold responsible for ensuring compliance.

"More and more, American firms are using stock and stock options as significant components of executive compensation," Kube said. "Combine that fact with the SEC’s mission to protect investors and ensure that ‘insiders’ do not take unfair advantage of their positions, and you end up with a need for frequent, meticulous reporting."

Built-In Expertise

SEC Compliance Desktop enhances productivity and automates the compliance process, while drawing on the expertise of CCH legal analysts who track, report and explain developments in securities law for authoritative publications such as the CCH Federal Securities Law Reporter.

"While someone glancing at the required forms might think that Section 16 compliance would be simple, in practice it is often fiendishly complex," said Kube. "We’ve built intelligence and a knowledge base into SEC Compliance Desktop that makes the process more manageable and much less time-consuming. SEC Compliance Desktop does a lot of the difficult work behind the scenes, potentially saving users hundreds of hours of work."

The CCH SEC Compliance Desktop allows users to fill out Forms 3, 4 and 5 for Section 16 in an onscreen format based on company needs. The system becomes progressively "smarter" as entries are made, allowing information already in the system’s database to be called up instantly and entered on new reporting forms.

In addition, extensive footnoting capabilities are built into SEC Compliance Desktop and the footnotes can be called up, reviewed, edited and entered onto new forms.

Periodic updating, as necessary, keeps the entire SEC Compliance Desktop current with new developments issued by the Commission.

Module Offers Extensive Interactive Forms Collection

Also included in the SEC Compliance Desktop is a forms module giving users access to more than 100 interactive SEC forms for compliance with the Securities Act, Exchange Act, Holding Company Act, Trust Indenture Act, Investment Company Act and Investment Advisors Act.

Other SEC forms currently under revision will be added to the SEC Compliance Desktop in an interactive format when the Commission releases them.

"Edgarizing" software for the SEC Compliance Desktop will be offered when the new SEC’s Edgar II standards can be implemented.

System Requirements

The SEC Compliance Desktop runs under MicrosoftÒ WindowsÒ 95, 98 or NT on a Pentium 166 or better microprocessor and 32-bit technology for optimal performance. The program requires 28 MB of free disk space exclusive of data files, a CD-ROM compatible with MSCDEX and SVGA monitor or better.

Availability and Pricing

For more information or for a risk-free 30-day review of the CCH SEC Compliance Desktop, call 1-800-449-6435 or click here.

For orders placed before October 1, 1999, special prices for a one-year subscription range from $3,495 to $5,495, depending on type of business. On or after October 1, 1999 prices are from $3,995 to $5,995. Annual license renewals are offered at a reduced price.

In addition to an online tutorial and extensive, context-sensitive help, the subscription price includes on-site or telephone training, all customer service calls and all updates.


CCH INCORPORATED, founded in 1913, has served four generations of business professionals and their clients. The company produces approximately 700 print and electronic products for securities, tax, legal, banking, securities, human resources, health care and small business markets. CCH is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wolters Kluwer U.S. The CCH web site can be accessed at

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