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Leslie Bonacum
Neil Allen

Combat Sexual Harassment Company-wide With Customized CCH Shared Learning™ Multimedia Training

Effective Web-Based Training at the Desktop – Your First Line of Defense

(RIVERWOODS, ILL., May 11, 2000) The explosion of employment discrimination cases, particularly sexual harassment cases, has employers worried about the high cost of litigation, and the even higher hidden costs of a damaged organization reputation, according to CCH INCORPORATED (CCH), a leading provider of human resources and employment law information and software. To help employers create and maintain a respectful workplace, CCH is now offering its interactive Shared Learning™ Sexual Harassment Prevention Training on the Internet. (For more information contact, your CCH Sales Representative at 1-888-224-7377 or visit

Combining CCH’s legal content and expertise with practical insights from the employment law experts of Jackson Lewis, Shared Learning delivers the most authoritative, convenient and engaging web-based training today for your organization’s employees and supervisors.

"There has been an evolution of employee rights in recent years," said Michael J. Lotito, a national partner at Jackson Lewis and the current chair of the Society for Human Resource Management. "But with this, federal regulators and the Supreme Court have provided employers with a roadmap on how to protect themselves by being proactive. The message is clear. You can avoid liability for punitive damages by making good faith efforts to implement antidiscrimination programs within your organization, and part of this is training."

Cost Effective, Customized Training on the Internet

The definitive training system, Shared Learning on the Internet is the most convenient and cost-effective way for companies to train employees and supervisors on sexual harassment prevention. Since Shared Learning is web-based, it can be accessed any time from anywhere a user has browser capabilities. It can even be installed on your organization’s own Intranet.

Taken at the user’s desktop, Shared Learning training also reduces classroom time and allows flexibility in the choice of training environment. And, with lessons that are self-paced, users can learn at their own speed.

With Shared Learning on the Internet, employers can customize both the content and web interface to ensure your anti-harassment policy and message hit home with employees. Training content can be created to match your work environment, including a personal introductory message from your organization’s leader to ensure that employees understand there’s commitment from the top for a respectful workplace.

This release of the web-based training system follows CCH’s 1999 release of Shared Learning Sexual Harassment Prevention on CD-ROM.

Shared Learning Overview

Shared Learning Sexual Harassment Prevention presents modules for both employees and supervisors. The hands-on interactive training uses a series of explanations, examples, scenarios and frequently asked questions to teach key points in an engaging manner as users learn about sexual harassment prevention.

On the Internet or corporate intranet, as well as on a stand-alone CD-ROM, Shared Learning Sexual Harassment Prevention uses the power of interactive technology to blend expert commentary, real-life scenarios and interactive Q&A into an engaging learning experience.

An administration module tracks the progress of all users and generates documentation reports that capture information such as employee name, department and date of training completion.

Upon finishing the training, everyone will understand why it is important to know about sexual harassment, be able to recognize what it is and what it is not, know what actions to avoid and, if they are supervisors, know how to respond effectively to a sexual harassment complaint.

First in the Shared Learning Series

Sexual Harassment Prevention is the first in a series of Shared Learning Internet and CD-ROM programs combining CCH’s authoritative understanding of human resources and employment law with the benefits of electronic media for the delivery of effective training at the desktop. Upcoming series include Violence in the Workplace, Interviewing/Hiring, Discipline/Termination, E-mail and the Internet and a Spanish-language version of Sexual Harassment Prevention.

"It’s critical for companies to reduce liability exposure by ensuring that dedicated compliance training is in place," said Lotito. "The Shared Learning system offers an ideal solution to employers. It delivers authoritative training in a highly convenient and cost-effective way."

System Requirements

The program can be customized to meet users’ needs and can be installed on an intranet.

Minimum System Requirements:

  • Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/2000
  • Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher, or Netscape Navigator 4.5 or higher, or AOL 4.0-4.5 Browser
  • 32 MB RAM (64MB preferred)
  • Pentium II or III 233MHZ or higher
  • VGA monitor capable of 800X600 resolution
  • Sound card and speakers or headphones (optional)
  • 56K modem or faster connection to the Internet or network
  • Standalone CD-ROM version requires 8x CD-ROM drive or greater

Availability and Pricing

For more information on Shared Learning Sexual Harassment Prevention, contact your CCH sales representative at 1 888 CCH REPS (1-888-224-7377) or visit the CCH Shared Learning web site at Price for the Internet program starts at $1,495.

Attendees of the American Society for Training & Development conference in Dallas, May 23-25, are invited to visit CCH exhibit booth # 421 for a demonstration of Shared Learning Sexual Harassment Prevention Training.

Attendees of the Society for Human Resource Management annual conference in Las Vegas, June 25-28, are invited to visit CCH exhibit booths #1030 and #1032 for a demonstration.


CCH INCORPORATED, Riverwoods, Ill., is a leading provider of employment law information and software for human resource professionals, including Human Resources Management, Pension Plan Guide, Employee Benefits Guide and Payroll Management Guide. CCH also provides tax and business law information in print and electronic form for accounting, legal, health care and small business professionals. CCH is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wolters Kluwer U.S. The CCH web site can be accessed at The Human Resources web site can be accessed at

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Editor’s Note: Members of the media who are interested in complimentary review access to Shared Learning Sexual Harassment Prevention Training may contact Leslie Bonacum at (847) 267-7153 or


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